Wednesday, 3 April 2013 2 comments

Fiji Time

Next stop after NZ was a week of chilling out in Fiji. Just what the doctor ordered - sun, sand and surfing.

Yep as imagined Fiji is just as beautiful and just what you expect from the movies. Photo above is testament to this. On arrival we realised we maybe were a bit quick on cutting our two week visit here to only one week.

We did however spend 6 lovely days on the coral coast  - about two hours away from Nadi on the main island of Fiji. We would have loved to have more time to explore other islands but as it was we decided just to base ourselves at the one spot. What a spot though. The home of celebrity love island 2006 - yes that's right the place where Sophie Anderton had a melt down, Abbie Titmuss flirted with Callum Best and Paul Danan got up to no good in the toilets. We had arrived (don't think Mike didn't spend ample time trying to find out where they had filmed the Love Shack - he did).
