The Monkey and the Fairy - so who is who?

Geographically Mike, my husband, should be classed as the ‘Northern Monkey,’ as he hails from Newcastle-upon-Tyne with me, a southerner born and bred falling under the category of ‘Southern Fairy.’

Those who know us well might suggest our personalities dictate otherwise. I, for example, am certainly not to afraid to beat my chest when I want something and Mike is not afraid of being in touch with his feminine side.

Anyway I digress. Mike and I (Tori) Brown have been together for 10 years, married for 3 and spent the last year planning this trip around the world. We have talked about it for years and decided on turning 30 now was the time to do it.

So we have packed in our jobs, sold our house and are looking forward to starting a new chapter, the adventure of a lifetime, with just each other and a backpack for company.

This blog is our tale …